Friday, July 23, 2010

US Apologizes to Russia over Yaroshenko Case

In response to Russia’s vigorous protests over the U.S. “kidnapping” in Liberia of Russian civil aviation pilot Konstantin Yaroshenko (suspected of large-scale drug trafficking) without proper consular notification, the US Department of State stated that the notice has been sent to the “wrong embassy.” DoS apologized.

Answering journalists’ questions, DoS’ spokesman Philip J. Crowley said: “I can’t say it was a U.S. operation. . . . [A]s I understand it, [Yaroshenko] was detained in Liberia. He was subject to some sort of judicial process in Liberia. Liberia, in turn, expelled him, and then he was brought here to the United States. . . . Were there particular U.S. participation? I’m not aware of that. . . . And then we sent out the consular notification. We just happened to send it to the wrong embassy. . . . We pressed the wrong button on the fax machine to be brutally honest.” Referring to Russia’s protests, Crowley added: “We have apologized to Russia. . . . And we do believe that this matter has been resolved.”

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