Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Journalist Punished for Anti-Soviet Article

WWII veteran Viktor Semenov won a libel suit against journalist Alexander Podrabinek for criticizing veterans who had requested that municipal authorities close the “Anti-Sovietskaya” kebab house (a pun based on its location across the street from the “Sovietskaya” hotel). The kebab house changed its name, but Podrabinek, a former dissident who served exile and prison terms for anti-Soviet propaganda, addressed the veterans in an article stating, “Your fatherland is not Russia; it is the Soviet Union. Thank God, your country has not been in existence for 18 years.” The Kremlin-backed “Nashi” youth movement organized a campaign against Podrabinek, including picketing his apartment, and reportedly instigated the lawsuit by Semenov, who was not one of the veterans who had complained about the kebab house. The court ordered Podrabinek to retract the statement above and awarded Semenov 1,000 rubles (~$30).

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